Saturday, July 12, 2014

Silly Nostalgic Nonsense

Me and my best friend were talking about these the other day so we both said we would do them again as adults to see how stupid they were. So without further adieu, MySpace Survey Time! When was the last time you swam in a pool? Wednesday Do you like to party? My definition of a party, yes. Small and no annoying people. If you ex suddenly kissed you right now, what would you do? Deck 'em. Are you a virgin? Yeah me and my husband never have sex ever, def not several times a week ;P What are your views on sex? Depends on what position I'm in. :P Is your best friend dating anyone? half of them are married. Describe the shirt you're wearing? I'm actually naked right now. Could you go out in public without wearing makeup? I have my whole life What is one feature that you don't like? So vague. Would people describe you as happy? Depends on who you ask. Do you have a Tumblr? Yes, but I never even get on there. Do you have a Xanga? I read that as Xanax, and I wish, but no I don't even know what it is. Sleep with or without clothes on? I'm always naked unless I'm in public or there are visitors over. What's the last book you read? I'm currently reading a Stephen King novel. You're offered free tickets to a Justin Bieber concert. What do you do? Sell them. What about Jersey Shore. What about it? The whole state of NJ stinks. Does it bother you if people swear around you? As long as they aren't swearing at me in a serious way, joking around is fine. Do you prefer Wednesdays or Thursdays? Wednesdays because they are the least busy for me currently Converse? I was rocking some yesterday evening. Prefer black or blue pens? both Dress up on Halloween? If I have a reason to. Like to travel? Yah Like someone? I hate most people. Does she know? No. Who sleeps with you every night? My husband. Think you're attractive? I'm married so obviously someone thinks so therefore i don't care. Want to get married? idk maybe:P To? A candy bar Are you a good student? Not at all. Are you currently happy? I'm not currently in a good mood, but I am happy with where I am in life now. Have you ever cheated / Been cheated on? I'm loyal and past relationship aren't even necessary to mention at this point in my life. Birthplace? Murrlandd Christmas or Halloween? both have good candy. Colored or black-and-white photo? Color. I like vivid things. Do long distance relationships work? Seldom Do you believe in astrology? No. Do you believe in love at first sight? hmmm not really. Do you consider yourself the life of the party? Usually, depends on the crowd. With my friends, yeahh Do you drink? Not really much anymore. i can't with my meds Do you make fun of people? Who doesn't? Do you think dreams eventually come true? If some of my dreams came true that would be absolutely terrifying. Favorite fictional character? Daria Go to the movies or rent? Muh Fukkin Netflix. Have you ever moved? mhm Have you ever stolen anything? My husband's heart... oooooo haha How's the weather right now? Dunno. I'm naked and not going to look outside now. Last time you cut your hair? 2 ish months ago Last person you talked to on the phone? The police. Last time you showered? What's a shower jk a few hours ago Loud or soft music? there's a time and place for everything. McDonalds or Burger King? Diabeetus Night or day? Night. Number of pillows? I have at least 10 pillows Piano or guitar? both Future job? something that pays better than what I'm making now lol Current job? decent Current love? exercising Current longing? food Current disappointment? not having food. Current annoyance? Everything Last thing you ate? chinese food, last night Last thing you bought? gas i think Most recent thing you are looking forward to? the cookout I'm about to go to. What are you hearing right now? My husband blowing his nose. Plans for the weekend? Wold cup final at the inlaws What did you do today? Nothing yet. Pick a lyric, any lyric or a song? Slippery dick, just a fish in the Atlantic. Pick a movie quote? What do I need a gun rack for? I don't own a gun let alone multiple guns that would necessitate a gun rack. (something like that I probably goofed the real wording, but you know what I mean)

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